altar room
october 2019
collaborative altar room with Lukaza Branfmann-Verissimo, Malaya Tuyay, Sequoya Akosua Lee and multiple other guest artists. this altar room is dedicated to our past, present and futures.

quilted letters for my past
october 2019
woodcut relief roses, sewn together to create larger quilt of found, silky fabric. approx 5 ft x 5 ft. framed letters written to my mother, father, abuelito and abuelita with my secret thoughts / things i wish i could fully communicate.

Vestido de mariposas
october 2019
over 600 linocut butterflies on found white silk, silk organza, and various other white fabrics. fits to artist, featured in her video performance “Mariposa.”

collaborative moment
textiles, painting, relief print
october 2019
a collaborative wall space between Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo (painting in upper hand corner), Sequoya Akosua Lee (painting on butterfly print), and Malaya Tuyay (relief-print of body).

Quilt for my Heart
20 ft. x 25 ft. on found, patchwork fabric
Reads from left to right: I love my brown body lagrimas dirt alma pain madres kisses my mothers soul the unknown the ones gone too soon all enveloping like dirt water blood my anger is powerful beautiful this is a love letter to you.